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    In any accounting firm bookkeeping is an essential activity with permanent role. Unioncont Expert is a partner responsible for all accounting efforts.
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    European Funds
    Accounting and expertise services for European Funds, while having ongoing strategic type contracts and Grants.
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    accounting and tax consultancy
    Services provided by specialists in taxation and financial management aimed to streamline and optimize the financial activity in relation with the European fiscal legislation at company level.
Webinar Exclusiv cu Veronica Duțu despre RO e-Transport - provocarea anului 2024 pentru companii

Webinar Exclusiv cu Veronica Duțu despre RO e-Transport - provocarea anului 2024 pentru companii

Unioncont vă invită la un webinar interactiv în care vom dezbate particularitățile raportărilor RO e-Transport și principalele provocări generate de aceste noi cerințe de raportare.

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In any accounting firm bookkeeping is an essential activity with permanent role. Unioncont Expert is a partner responsible for all accounting efforts.

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Human resources payroll and personnel

Human resources payroll and personnel

Consultancy services regarding payroll, drafting the documents related to human resources and developing the legal framework for the activity.

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